Our Story

How it all started...

The story of Peace really begins on the campus of Michigan Tech. In 1969 a single student, Martin Jones, arrived on the Michigan Tech campus and contacted Dr. Michael Skaates, a faculty member at the time. The young Martin inquired where he might attend church. The student and the professor attempted to find more students who shared their Lutheran, Biblical beliefs. Shortly after, a core group of seven students began to meet regularly for Bible study and agreed to organize their group into a registered student organization called the Lutheran Collegians.

Expanding the vision...

The Lutheran collegians met faithfully over the years until Thomas Trapp was assigned out of the seminary to serve University Lutheran Chapel. He served 7/13/1975 - 4/24/1978.  During that time he worked with the Wisconsin Synod to purchase the property that became Peace Lutheran Church. He also worked with the Finnish Lutheran church’s pastor in Calumet to provide a transition to the WELS.

Pastor Mark Hannemann was called to serve National Ev. Lutheran Church in Calumet and Peace in Houghton. He was installed at Peace in April 1978.

Shortly after, Pastor Rob Raasch, a new Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary graduate arrived in 1984 .With God's blessing, the efforts of the church and the campus ministry flourished and they built the current worship space and facility. 

Where we are headed...

But Peace is much more than a series of buildings and expansion. It's about the countless people who have and continue to gather inside these walls to hear the greatest message of peace this world has ever seen. With our history in mind, we serve Michigan Tech students and the local community with the good news about Jesus. 

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:15am.