Midweek Lent - Baptized into His Death: The Right Tool for This Job

Mar 13, 2024    Pastor Welch

Set a beautiful piece of marble before the world’s best sculptor. Nothing comes of it unless he has the right tools. If he tries to fashion something from that rock with bare hands, he is doomed to nothing but frustration, split nails, and bloody fingertips. He needs a hammer and set of chisels. He needs the right tools. If your car is broken down, you cannot fix it with kitchen utensils. If you need heart surgery, pray the surgeon has more than a jigsaw and lock-wrench. To do a job well, you don’t just need tools. You need the right tools. 

Jesus has asked his disciples to make disciples. Think of what that means. He is asking us to call people out of unbelief into the light of Christ. How does one raise the spiritually dead? You need the right tool. And that is what Christ has given us in Baptism. It is the right tool for this job that Christ has given to his Church.