Ash Wednesday
That potential promotion at work. The third date, which will signal if there is real potential in this
relationship. The test this Friday, which will determine if you make honor roll or not. The game on
Sunday with the playoffs on the line. So many things that compete for our attention! It’s easy to think of
religion as just another of many activities to cram into our schedules. Sometimes, perhaps, the schedule
is just too crowded.
So, Jesus lovingly whispers into our ear, “Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.” Those are the words spoken as a
dead body is planted in the ground. The reality is that our time in this world is so short. After comes
eternity, spent in one of two very different places. Jesus wants us to grasp that somber truth so we
rethink where he should fall among all our priorities. Death can come at any time. So now is the time to
cling to Christ in true repentance. Not later. Now. There is no higher priority.