Resurrection Reality: Easter is of First Importance
Most people are willing to believe in Christ's teachings, do unto others, help the needy, turn the other cheek, and so on and that's great because they're good teachings! However, not as many are willing to believe Jesus is the Son of God. And even if you accept and believe both of those then still some have trouble believing in His resurrection. That's a problem. Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, is very important; it's so important, in fact, that St. Paul called it "of first importance." Christ's suffering and death is what saves us, but his resurrection is the proof! When he came back on the third day, it was empirical evidence that it truly was finished, as Jesus had said on the cross. If he had died and stayed dead, then there would be no reason to believe. We would always be left to wonder if his death was enough to pay for our sins. There would be no guarantee of forgiveness or life everlasting, but he has risen, and we are forgiven, and one day, we will rise to be with him in Heaven. Today, Pastor Welch explains why Easter is so important and what it can mean for us once we start looking at it the proper way.